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Charity starts with a click into the donation button. There, you'll learn about the partnerships developed and where to send tax-deductible gifts of Bucket of Bread!

Charity Efforts:

Hunger Task Force La Crosse and Bucket of Bread 2024

La Crosse, Wisconsin, 2024: 

Sharing monetary gifts with non-profit organizations, like the Hunger Task Force of La Crosse, who focus their efforts on combating hunger and fighting food insecurity, is Bucket of Bread’s why. 

Thank you for the support, purchases, and donations to make this mission a success each year.  Without you, this would not be possible. The bigger Bucket of Bread becomes, the greater the impact it will have on people’s lives. 

Pictured: Chris Wysong, Bucket of Bread CEO, and Nicole Larson, Program Assistant/Volunteer Coordinator for Hunger Task Force – La Crosse. 
Photo by Danny Melgarejo of Slap, Tap & Go Photography. 

What does Bucket of Bread do with donated buckets?

The answer to this question instills a great feeling knowing the better and bigger this business becomes, the more good it will achieve in the world.

Customers may purchase donation buckets of dough mix online, which Bucket of Bread makes, and then delivers directly to the partnered food banks for distribution directly to those in need. 

In addition to collecting donated bucket from customers, every purchase helps raise needed funds for a good cause. At least 10% of yearly profits are dedicated as monetary gifts to charities where combating food insecurity and fighting hunger in America are part of their mission statement.

Please reach out, if you’d like to learn more. And again, thank you for spreading awareness and support.

Hunger Task Force of La Crosse and Bucket of Bread Donations
Bucket of Bread LLC Supports Hunger Relief Efforts with Donation to the Hunger Task Force of La Crosse Big Check

It Starts with Your Kindness:

You may add a donated bucket when ordering your own delicious dough mix kits. It all starts with you.

Bucket Benefit Program: Be a good human!

Bucket of Bread LLC is dedicated to helping combat hunger for those less fortunate. The Bucket Benefit Program allows consumers to add a bucket to their purchase as a donation. Bucket of Bread delivers offered donations to support structures within communities:

  • Physical donations for kitchens that provide food to those in need.
  • Physical donations to food pantries that accept food as donations.
  • Through dedicated profit sharing (AT LEAST 10% of any company profits from the previous tax year are used to support various non-profits who aim to combat hunger).

The support organization to receive donations is chosen at the sole discretion of Bucket of Bread LLC and all donations are to be published on the Bucket of Bread website at the very least annually.

Strength in Numbers

The Power of Collaboration… Because of your kindness and the generosity of others all sending buckets, BoB is in the position to use collected offerings to increase the impact in various communities. The more people who participate means the greater the good.


Sharing Your Compassion

First Step in Collecting Donations
Second Step in Collecting Donations at Bucket of Bread is gathering and storing. Charity efforts webpage image.
Third Step in Collecting Donations at Bucket of Bread is distributing donated buckets. Charity efforts webpage image.

The Original Plan is Still the Foundation

Grow BoB into a product with supporters and fans of the products who are passionate about creating high quality delicious possibilities found in every bucket.

Use a strength in numbers approach to generate donated buckets and funds for an impactful use within communities and provide some comfort to those less fortunate than others through delivering donated buckets to organizations and actively participate in these types of kitchens as a volunteer to deliver a large quantity of fresh nutritious foods.

$9,000 Raised for Local Pantries!​

Jul 30, 2021

THANK YOU TO ALL WHO DONATED! Bucket of Bread received notification we had just over 2,900 items donated to the Thrivent Cans Hunger Drive. When you factor in cash donations, Bucket of Bread donations, and include the donors who declined filling out the tally sheet, we met or surpassed 3,000 individual items donated to the pantries. This means, Thrivent started the paperwork to gift each pantry with $3,000. This is a total of $9,000 going back into the community to fight food insecurities!

Original Concept Video from 2020 during the planning phase.

Collected Buckets Given to Pantries at a Food Drive
The 2021 disbursement of donated buckets at a local Thrivent Financial sponsored food drive.

Mega Food Drive: Thrivent "Cans" Hunger

Jul 27, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM

The Thrivent Member Network – South Wisconsin is partnering with Bucket of Bread, From the Heart Food Pantry, Onalaska Emergency Food Basket, and WAFER to organize a summer generosity event called Thrivent Cans Hunger. During this three hour event, the Thrivent Member Network – South Wisconsin will donate $3 for every non-perishable food and personal care item collected up to $9,000. Join us on Tuesday, July 27 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Bridgeview Plaza (2400 Rose St, La Crosse) to help stock food pantry shelves and meet our Thrivent Can’s Hunger goal of collecting 3,000 items! Thrivent Cans Hunger will be held as a drive through event. Visitors will remain in their vehicle and drive through stations where volunteers will receive their donations, collect donor information and hand out thank you gifts (from Bucket of Bread). According to Feeding America, “Due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 42 million people may experience food insecurity, including a potential 13 million children. Many households that experience food insecurity do not qualify for federal nutrition programs and visit their local food banks and other food programs for extra support.”